Boskie Matki

Celebrating motherhood, femininity and sisterhood, we have decided to lend support to the operations of the Rak’n’Roll foundation.

Boskie Matki – a programme that focuses on unique aid for pregnant women who are suffering oncologically, aimed at providing knowledge and support, irrespective of the relevant path chosen.

The programme provides support across many levels, ensuring the best care not only in terms of oncology, gynaecology, obstetrics, psychology or rehabilitation.

Women’s support is just as important – taking care that Boskie Matki would not feel left alone, but that they would feel unity and the power of sisterhood, that they would be sure that they can feel beautiful in this difficult time as well.


An illustration in warm shades of red, orange and yellow – symbolising optimism and warmth that Boskie Matki can hope for. The figures show that the illness can be visible or not, but irrespective of all of this, women support each other.


The pink illustration symbolises femininity and motherhood. The three women in the illustration represent the strength and uniqueness of the union that Boskie Matki together form.


The green fern is a symbol of hope that every one of the Boskie Matki needs so much. The hugging women are a model of support, care and solidarity.